Category: Agriculture & Gardening -> Food & related products -> Bakery products
Country: Poland
 Tort węgierski - to wspaniały wiśniowy tort na ciemnym biszkopcie z niepowtarzalnym kremem Russel i kapką spirytusu.[...] Details...   The Traditional Matzo is the first product of the CHABER brand made using the technology for baking slices of bread with a low water content.
It is a kind of bread devoid of any acid and fat or food preservatives. The ingredients of Matzo and the method of production are closely connected
to a kind of an excellent and simple traditional bread baked at home and known to our grandmas as unleavened bread or "podplomyk". Our product is a reminder of the exquisite flavour and taste of that tradition.[...] Details...  Gruszka w doborowym towarzystwie.
Ciasto czekoladowe przełożone kremem o smaku waniliowym i przykryte gruszkami w aromatycznej galaretce. Wykończone bitą śmietaną i posypane kakao[...] Details...   It is a very tasty product with low caloricity, which may be used as a base for a meal or a slimming diet. This easily digestible product was created to suffice the demand of clients, who cannot consume sugar in meals, professionally called the diabetics. This bread is dedicated to anyone who wants to eat healthy meals. It is very tasty when used for sandwiches as well as with bouillon or borsch.
INGREDIENTS: Rye flour type 2000, salt, vegetable oil.[...] Details...  Delikatność karmelowo - miodowa.
Karmelowo - miodowe biszkopty przełożone lekkim kremem śmietanowym. Udekorowane pszczółkami miodowo - migdałowymi[...] Details...   It is a natural, healthy and easily digestible kind of crisp bread. It is a great component for a daily diet and its caloric value makes it a great supplement to a slimming diet. It is great with smoked meat, cheese as well as vegetables or jam.
INGREDIENTS: Rye flour type 2000, sugar, salt, vegetable oil.[...] Details...  Włoski deser.
Jasne biszkopty nasączone ponczem kawowym z likierem amaretto, przełożone kremem na bazie oryginalnego sera maskarpone. Wykończony gorzkim kakao i polewą czekoladowo - alkoholową.[...] Details...  Produkujemy pieczywo chrupkie lekkie w różnych smakach i gatunkach, bezcukrowe i bezglutenowe. Mamy w ofercie pieczywo żytnie, graham, pszenne, ryżowe, kukurydziane itp.[...] Details...